Sunday, January 1, 2023

Information Retrieval -- DSECLZG537 - Mid Semester Question Paper - June 2021


Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division

June 2021

Mid-Semester Test

(EC-1 Regular)

Text Box: No. of Pages        = 2
No. of Questions = 2


Course No.                   : SS ZG537  

Course Title                  : INFORMATION RETRIEVAL  

Nature of Exam            : Closed Book

Weightage                    : 30%



1.       Please follow all the Instructions to Candidates given on the cover page of the answer book.

2.       All parts of a question should be answered consecutively. Each answer should start from a fresh page. 

3.       Assumptions made if any, should be stated clearly at the beginning of your answer.


Q1 – 2+5+3+5=15 Marks

A) Give an example of uncertainty and vagueness issues in Information retrieval [2 Marks]               


B) Explain the merge algorithm for the query “Information Retrieval”? What is the best order for query processing for the query “BITS AND Information AND Retrieval”? What Documents will be returned as output from the 15 documents? [5 Marks]



Merge Algorithm - Intersecting two posting lists : Algorithm

Output document - 11


C) [3 Marks]


D) Build inverted index using Blocked sort-based Indexing for 50 million records. Explain the algorithm in detail with respect to indexing 50 million records.                            [5 Marks]



Q2 – 5+5+5=15 Marks

A)    Assume a corpus of 10000 documents.  The following table gives the TF and DF values for the 3 terms in the corpus of documents. Calculate the logarithmic TF-IDF values.                                                                                                           [5 Marks]

































B) Classify the test document d6 into c1 or c2 using naïve bayes classifier. The documents in the training set and the appropriate class label is given below.  [5 Marks]





Words in document

c= c1

c= c2

Training Set







Very positive





Positive very positive 





very negative








Test Set


Negative positive very positive




C) The search engine ranked results on 0-5 relevance scale: 2, 2, 3, 0, 5. Calculate the NDCG metric for the same. [5 Marks]



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Friday, December 30, 2022

Tokenization Issues - Information Retrieval

Some of the tokenization issues are below

1. One-word or is it two words 
3.No Whitespace (Chinese language)
4. Ambiguous segmentation (Same word multiple meanings ex Chinese)
5.Bidirectional (ex : Arabic)
6.Accents and diacritics folding
8.Stop words 

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Merge Algorithm - Intersecting two posting lists - Information Retrieval

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Inverted index construction - Information Retrieval

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Evaluation Measures - Information Retrieval

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Functional View of Paradigm IR System - Information Retrieval

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The Process of Retrieving Information -- Information Retrieval

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Data Retrieval vs Information Retrieval....

1. Matching.

In data retrieval we are normally looking for an  exact match, that is, we are checking to see whether  an item is or is not present in the file.
Ex: Select * from Student where per >= 8.0

In information retrieval more generally we want to  find those items which partially match the request  and then select from those a few of the best  matching ones.
Ex: Student having 8 or > 8 CGPA

2. Inference

In data retrieval is of the simple deductive kind, that is, a ∈ b and b ∈ c then a ∈ c.
In information retrieval it is of inductive inference; relations  are only specified with a degree of certainty or uncertainty  and hence our confidence in the inference is variable.


Data retrieval is deterministic but information retrieval is  probabilistic.
Frequently Bayes' Theorem is invoked to carry out inferences in IR, but in DR probabilities do not enter into the processing.

4 .Classification:

In DR most likely monothetic classification is used.
That is, one with classes defined by objects possessing  attributes both necessary and sufficient to belong to a class.

In IR, polythetic classification is mostly used.
Each individual in a class will possess only a proportion of all the attributes possessed by all the members of that class..

5.Query Language:

The query language for DR is one with restricted  syntax and vocabulary.
In IR we prefer to use natural language although there  are some notable exceptions.

6.Query Specification:

In DR the query is generally a complete specification  of what is wanted,
In IR it is invariably incomplete.

7.Items wanted :

In IR we are searching for relevant documents as  opposed to exactly matching items in DR.

8.Error response:

DR is more sensitive to error in the sense that, an  error in matching will not retrieve the wanted item  which implies a total failure of the system.
In IR small errors in matching generally do not  affect performance of the system significantly

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