Thursday, September 29, 2022

BITS-WILP-DSECLZG555 - Data Visualization and Interpretation - DVI - Final Question paper - 25092022

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BITS-WILP-DSECLZG565 - Machine Learning - ML - Final Question paper - 25092022

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BITS-WILP-DSECLZG523 - Introduction to Data Science - IDS - Final Question paper - 18092022

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BITS-WILP-DSECLZC413- Introduction to Statistical Methods - ISM - Final Question paper - 18092022

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

DSECLZG565- MACHINE LEARNING - Quick Calculators

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Establishing Context

who : Audience and you

what : Action , Mechanism and Tone

How : Data 

Story Telling Strategies 

1. 3 Minute Story - telling the story with in 3 mins just by telling audience hat they need to know . No dependency on materials/visualization etc
Story teller needs to know what exactly data is saying .
2. Big idea -- Boils down to most importance sentence. It should articulate unique point of view / convey whats at stake / must be complete sentence .

3. Story boarding -- Establishes structure of communication. Visual outline of content . Use whiteboard , post -it etc. 


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DSECLZG555 - DATA VISUALIZATION AND INTERPRETATION - Gestalt Principles of Visual Perception

  1. Law of Prägnanz (Simplicity)
  2. Law of Similarity
  3. Law of Continuity
  4. Law of Focal Point
  5. Law of Proximity
  6. Law of Figure/Ground
  7. principle of enclosure
  8. principle of closure
  9. principle of continuity
  10. principle of connection
  11. principle of proximity
  12. principle of similarity

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Mistakes in dashboard 

1. Design issues
          a. Exceeding screen
  b. meaningless variety 
  c. Clustering display 
  d. Unattractive visuals 
2. Data Issues 
a. Inadequate context for the data
b. Using deficient measure
c. Incorrect data encoding
d. Poor data arrangement
e. Ineffective data highlighting
3. Display Issues 
a. Inappropriate display media
poorly designed display media
13 Design Mistakes 

1.Exceeding the Boundaries of a Single Screen
2. Supplying Inadequate Context for the Data
        3. Displaying Excessive Detail or Precision
4. Choosing a Deficient Measure
5. Choosing Inappropriate Display Media
6. Introducing Meaningless Variety
7. Using Poorly Designed Display Media
8. Encoding Quantitative Data Inaccurately
9. Arranging the Data Poorly
10. Highlighting Important Data Ineffectively
11. Cluttering the Display with Useless Decoration
12. Misusing or Overusing Color
13. Designing an Unattractive Visual Display

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Easy way of converting google colab ipynb to a PDF file

Below steps are to be performed to convert ipynb file to PDF file.

1. Install below packages for every ipnyb file 
    !apt-get install texlive texlive-xetex texlive-latex-extra pandoc
!pip install pypandoc

2. Copy the path of the file [Ex: File name : abc.ipynb]

3. Execute below

!jupyter nbconvert <<path+ filename>>  --to pdf

Ex : !jupyter nbconvert /content/drive/MyDrive/Colab/ForExam-Seaborn.ipynb --to pdf

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Saturday, September 17, 2022

BITS WILP - DSECLZC413 - Introduction to Statistical Methods - Important calculators


Chi-Square Calculator for Goodness of Fit :

T-Test Calculator for 2 Independent Means :

Pearson Correlation Coefficient Calculator :

Multiple Regression Calculator (No residual calculation) :

Z-test: One Population Proportion  :

4 year moving average calculator : 

autocovariance formula : 

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