Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Displaying tickets created from different sources in Maximo using Sql Server

Below query can be used to display number of tickets which are created from different sources(here external systems) as per months.

Output would be like below

Source  Month count
Email    Dec       10
Email     Jan        14
Phone    Jan         15
self Serv  Dec      05


select externalsystem,DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, 0, creationdate)) month ,count(*) count  from TICKET  group by externalsystem , DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, 0, creationdate))

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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Fetching Last 6 months data in SQL Server for Maximo

Below is one of the best ways to find number of tickets created in last 6 months in Maximo using SQL Server database.

Query is self explanatory

select month,countoftickets from (
SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, -5, GETDATE())) month,COUNT(*) AS countoftickets , 1 as fs FROM ticket WHERE MONTH(creationdate) = MONTH(DATEADD(month, -5, GETDATE())) union
SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, -4, GETDATE())) month,COUNT(*) AS countoftickets , 2 as fs FROM ticket WHERE MONTH(creationdate) = MONTH(DATEADD(month, -4, GETDATE())) union
SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, -3, GETDATE())) month,COUNT(*) AS countoftickets , 3 as fs  FROM ticket WHERE MONTH(creationdate) = MONTH(DATEADD(month, -3, GETDATE())) union
SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, -2, GETDATE())) month,COUNT(*) AS countoftickets , 4 as fs  FROM ticket WHERE MONTH(creationdate) = MONTH(DATEADD(month, -2, GETDATE())) union
SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())) month,COUNT(*) AS countoftickets , 5 as fs  FROM ticket WHERE MONTH(creationdate) = MONTH(DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())) union
SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(month, 0, GETDATE())) month,COUNT(*) AS countoftickets , 6 as fs  FROM ticket WHERE MONTH(creationdate) = MONTH(DATEADD(month, 0, GETDATE()))  ) a1
order by fs


Month   Countoftickets
October 10
November 12
December   5
January   17
February 20
March 15

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