Showing posts with label SLA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SLA. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Displaying data ticket count with in SLA by priority in MAXIMO using SQL Server.

Below query can be used for displaying data ticket count with in SLA by priority in MAXIMO using SQL Server.

Data would be displayed like below

Priority          Count Status
1                 1        SLA OK
1                   2        SLA NOT OK
3                  15      SLA OK

Query :

select internalpriority,count(*) count, 'SLA NOT OK'  status  from TICKET where targetcontactdate is not null and actualcontactdate is not null and targetcontactdate - actualcontactdate <0 -="" actualcontactdate="" and="" by="" count="" from="" group="" internalpriority="" is="" nbsp="" not="" null="" ok="" select="" status="" targetcontactdate="" ticket="" union="" where="">=0 group by internalpriority

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Display Number of tickets solved with in SLA by person in Maximo .. SQL Server

Below query can be used for displaying data solved with in SLA by person in MAXIMO using SQL Server.

Data would be displayed like below

AffectedPerson Count Status
ABC                   1        SLA OK
ABC                   2        SLA NOT OK
XYZ                   15      SLA OK

Query :

select affectedperson,count(*) count, 'SLA NOT OK'  status  from TICKET where targetcontactdate is not null and actualcontactdate is not null and targetcontactdate - actualcontactdate <0 -="" actualcontactdate="" affectedperson="" and="" by="" count="" from="" group="" is="" nbsp="" not="" null="" ok="" select="" status="" targetcontactdate="" ticket="" union="" where="">=0 group by affectedperson

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