The following items have errors:
ReportDesign (id = 1):
+ There are errors evaluating script "importPackage(;
mxReportScriptContext = MXReportScriptContext.initialize(reportContext);
Table (id = 7):
+ There are errors evaluating script "maximoDataSet = MXReportDataSetProvider.create(this.getDataSource().getName(), this.getName());;
var sqlText = "select assetid, siteid, assetnum, description, location, binnum, parent, assettype, "
+ " status, priority, itemnum, islinear, installdate, manufacturer, "
+ " assettag, budgetcost, ytdcost, totalcost, warrantyexpdate,purchaseprice, "
+ " replacecost, moved, changedate, failurecode, conditioncode from asset "
+ " where " + params["where"];
+ There are errors evaluating script "if (!maximoDataSet.fetch())
return (false);
We did some silly mistakes because of which we were getting this error.Our mistake was we were not using the recomended JDK version.Please use JJDK1.5 version to solve this issue