Showing posts with label IBM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IBM. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Scheduled publishing of integration data

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Below solution can be helpful when business want to send the data out of maximo on scheduled intervals.

Below are the steps to be followed

1.       Use an existing object structure like MXASSET etc

2.       Add this object structure to a publish channel

3.       Add the publish channel to an external system (ex:EXTSYS1)

4.       Create a cron task and new cron instance with below mandatory information
   Class : custom.integration.cron.RunPublishChannelCrontask
   Access Level : Full

5.       Place  RunPublishChannelCrontask.class file in to the folder \SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\custom\integration\cron.
6.       Build the ear, redeploy it and restart the servers.
7.       Reload the cron which is created earlier, data would be processed and kept in the MIF folder.

Please follow the below blog from Bruno for the class file and better solution 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How do I change background color of a field in list screen in Maximo

1.       Here I am taking an example of asset application in which I want to make my asset to be in Green background color when it satisfies some condition.
2.       Navigate to a list screen from application designer, select the field which needs to be highlighted.

3.   Click on ‘Configure Conditional Properties’ and add below information like
·         Security Group : MAXEVERYONE
·         Conditional property : KKS_CLR
·         Property : cssclass : bggreen

Similar trick can be followed to other colors like (bgred, bgyellow ) etc.

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Monday, September 26, 2016

IBM Maximo : Calling a report from a push button in Maximo

Idea here is to launch a report from a push button on any screen. In this way business can run a specific report by clicking a button in the screen itself.

1.       Find the report which you want to run (ex: woprint.rptdesign) and hit the database to find the report number and execute below query

select reportnum,reportname,appname from report where reportname='woprint.rptdesign' and APPNAME='WOTRACK';

2.       From Report Library file (REPLIBRARY) and search for reportnum="351" , note the id related to it (highlighted)

label="Request Page" mboname="WORKORDER" reportnum="351" reporttype="BIRT" width="550">

3.       Navigate to application designer, search for WOTRACK and a new button with details like
Event : reportd351 and save it

4.       From Work Order Tracking application , you can see a Print Report button, when you click it shows report page like below

And on Submit, it generates the report.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Maximo Environment refresh- Naming environments

-- Below are the scripts which can be executed after production refreshes to make sure every environment is named from login screen etc.
Below is a example where we are trying to set values in a system as Development Environment

------ Messages on the Login Screen -----

--Login Button ---
update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Sign In to Development' where msgkey = 'loginbutton' and msggroup = 'login';

-- Welcome Message ---
update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'You are in Development' where msgkey = 'welcome' and msggroup = 'login';

update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Welcome to Development' where msgkey = 'welcomemaximomessage' and msggroup = 'login';

update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Welcome to Development, {0}' where msgkey = 'welcomeusername' and msggroup = 'login';

-- Maximo Log Out Messages ----
update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'All users will be logged out of Development Environment in {0} minutes. Save your work.' where msgkey = 'AdminLogoutSubject';

update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Maximo configuration in progress on Development Environment' where msgkey = 'AdminLogoutMessage';

--- Maximo Application ----

update maximo.maxapps set description = 'DEV - ' || description;


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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Maximo Automation Script : To make field value to remove special characters and to make it in upper case

Below script is used to remove the special characters and make values in the field to uppercase

Language : jython

Launch Points
Active : 1
Object : Asset


from psdi.util.logging import MXLogger
from psdi.util.logging import MXLoggerFactory
from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
from psdi.util import MXApplicationException

logger = MXLoggerFactory.getLogger("maximo.script");
logger.debug("==================== ATT-REMOVE-SPLCASE." + launchPoint + ": START =====================")

#This script reformats the Description field to only have alphanumeric uppercase characters
#Characters A-Z and 0-9 inclusive are permitted.

description = mbo.getString("DESCRIPTION")
description = ''.join(i for i in description if i.isalnum())
description = description.upper()
mbo.setValue("DESCRIPTION", str(description), 2)

logger.debug("==================== ATT-REMOVE-SPLCASE." + launchPoint + ": END =====================")
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Discardable MBOSET / MBO in IBM Maximo

·         These can be used on MBOSETS which are used for traversing forward only ie looping in
·         They should not be used while doing edit/save etc operations
·         Mboset will not cache the MBOs as it fetches from directly from database. This will minimise the JVM memory usage.
·         Discardable Mbo Sets are always read only.

Example below to make a MBOset discardable

MboSetRemote personSet = getMboSet("PERSON");
personSet.setFlag(MboConstants.DISCARDABLE, true);

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Enable Workflow reassignments in Maximo based on security groups

1.       Simple way to enable workflow reassignments in application is through Signature options and security group.
2.       Navigate to any application in which you need Workflow reassignment option thorough application designer. In this case I am taking Requests and Defects (Oil) -- PLUSGDEF
3.       From select action add a sig option called ‘MAXWFRA’ with a  simple desc and save the record.

4.       Now navigate to the security group for which this access  has to be enabled and check the sigoption under the application (PLUSGDEF).

5.       After signing out and signing in as a user from that security group ,When you navigate to Requests and Defects (Oil) application and select a record with an active workflow . Observe that Reassignments icon is visible.

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Friday, October 31, 2014

IBM Maximo - Automation Script - Fetching OwnerName in automation script in Maximo ?

In  Maximo we can use the below jython script  to fetch Owner name of an mbo
if mbo.getOwner():
  ownerName = str(mbo.getOwner().getName())
  logger.debug("MBO Owner Name: " + str(ownerName))

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Friday, October 30, 2009

CTGIN2398E : An existing maximo db version is not valid and this installer requires minimum version is 7100

We are getting this error while installing Maximo 7 version .

Debuging : While debugging we found that maxvars table already existed in that particular database.

select * from maxvars

is giving us result and if this table exists it tells maximo that it wants to run an update installer not a fresh installation

Solution : If it is a fresh installation then please clean all the database properly .If database is on a shared environment please ask your DBA to hit

select * from dba_objects where object_name='maxvars'

if it has maxvars as public synonym by some other maximo it will be an issue for our installation

if you like this please leave your comments.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Importing Library.xml in Maximo

Importing Library.xml in Maximo

You can import Library.xml from the application designer. Follow these steps

  1. Go to 'Application Designer'
  2. Click on 'Import Application Definition' button in appbar
  3. Browse the location of 'Libarary.xml' and click 'Ok'
  4. Click on 'Save' button. This will replace the current existing Libaray.xml.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

how to make a field mandatory or required in maximo

Field Level Class

For example you want to make a SerialNum field in Asset Screen mandatory based on some requirement we need to modify in your specific class


Automation Script

Similarly below script can be used to make a field required using Automation script.

from psdi.util.logging import MXLogger
from psdi.util.logging import MXLoggerFactory
from psdi.mbo import MboConstants

logger = MXLoggerFactory.getLogger("maximo.script");
logger.debug("==================== MandatoryAUTOSCRIPT  START =====================")
mbo.setFieldFlag("SERIALNUM",MboConstants.REQUIRED, True)
logger.debug("==================== MandatoryAUTOSCRIPT  END=====================")