Showing posts with label scripts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scripts. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Maximo Environment refresh- Naming environments

-- Below are the scripts which can be executed after production refreshes to make sure every environment is named from login screen etc.
Below is a example where we are trying to set values in a system as Development Environment

------ Messages on the Login Screen -----

--Login Button ---
update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Sign In to Development' where msgkey = 'loginbutton' and msggroup = 'login';

-- Welcome Message ---
update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'You are in Development' where msgkey = 'welcome' and msggroup = 'login';

update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Welcome to Development' where msgkey = 'welcomemaximomessage' and msggroup = 'login';

update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Welcome to Development, {0}' where msgkey = 'welcomeusername' and msggroup = 'login';

-- Maximo Log Out Messages ----
update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'All users will be logged out of Development Environment in {0} minutes. Save your work.' where msgkey = 'AdminLogoutSubject';

update maximo.maxmessages set value = 'Maximo configuration in progress on Development Environment' where msgkey = 'AdminLogoutMessage';

--- Maximo Application ----

update maximo.maxapps set description = 'DEV - ' || description;


 All the messages below are just forwarded messages if some one feels hurt about it please add your comments we will remove the post.Host/author is not responsible for these posts.