Showing posts with label TREC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TREC. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

TREC Benchmark / Measuring Relevance / Evaluating IR system

Measures for Search Engine
1. Latency of search
2. Expressiveness of query Language 
Ability to express complex information needs
Speed on complex queries

Measuring Releavance based on User 
Three elements:
1. A benchmark document collection
2. A benchmark suite of queries
3. An assessment of either Relevant or  Nonrelevant for each query and each  document

TREC Benchmark - Text REtrieval Conference 

Evaluating IR system -- need to verify if retrived document is relaveant or not

Difficulties in Evaluating IR Systems
1.Effectiveness is related to the relevancy of  retrieved items.
2.Relevancy is not typically binary but continuous.
3.Even if relevancy is binary, it can be a  difficult judgment to make.
Relevancy, from a human standpoint, is:
Subjective: Depends upon a specific user’s  judgment.
Situational: Relates to user’s current needs.
Cognitive: Depends on human perception and  behavior.
Dynamic: Changes over time.
Evaluating IR systems 
1. Gold Standard (Human Labeled Corpora) : Using Humans to create Gold standard - Manual

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