Showing posts with label centralized architecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label centralized architecture. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2023


 Search engine

 1. Crawler Based 
 2. Directory 
 3. Metasearch 
Search Types

 1. General Search / Horizontal Search : ex : google --> results are very broad and results might not be relevant sometimes.
 2. Vertical search - very specific search or specific part of internet ; ex: google images / Amazon product search.

 Web challenges for IR 
 1.Distributed Data: Documents spread over millions of  different web servers.
 2.Volatile Data: Many documents change or disappear  rapidly (e.g. dead links).
 3.Large Volume: Billions of separate documents.
 4.Unstructured and Redundant Data: No uniform  structure, HTML errors, up to 30% (near) duplicate  documents.
 5.Quality of Data: No editorial control, false information,  poor quality writing, typos, etc.
 6.Heterogeneous Data: Multiple media types (images,  video, VRML), languages, character sets, etc.
Modeling the Web

Heaps’ and Zipf’s laws are also valid in the Web.
»In particular, the vocabulary grows faster (larger) and the word
distribution should be more biased (larger)

Heaps’ Law
» An empirical rule which describes the vocabulary growth as a  function of the text size.
» It establishes that a text of n words has a vocabulary of size O(nš›½) for
0< š›½ <1

Zipf’s Law
» An empirical rule that describes the frequency of the text words.
» It states that the i-th most frequent word appears as many times as
the most frequent one divided by i š›½, for some š›½ >1

Different types of queries 

1. Informational queries : learn about something - 40%
2. Navigational queries : take to a page - 25%
3. Transactional queries : want to do something - 35%

Essential Characteristics for  user-friendliness of  a website 
1.Mobile Compatibility
2.Accessible to All Users
3.Well Planned Information Architecture
4.Well-Formatted Content That Is Easy to Scan
5.Fast Load Times
6.Browser Consistency
7.Effective Navigation
8.Good Error Handling
9.Contrasting Color Scheme
10.Usable forms

Centralized Architecture - Crawler-Indexer Architecture
important components
1.Crawler / spider 
3.Query Engine  

Indexing process
1. text acquisition 
2. text transformation
3. Index creation

Query Process
1.User Interaction

Distributed Architecture - 
  Gathers and Brokers

User Interface 
 query interface
 Answer interface 

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