These are few tips to keep in mind when you attend Visa Stamping in American Consulate/embassy in New Delhi.
New Delhi getting visa is very easy when compared to Chennai consulate.Questions asked are also very less when compared to Chennai.Be confident is the mantra for getting American Visa.
.Be in consulate before 30 mins to your appointment.
.Wear formal dress need of any tie and suit
.Wear shoes.
.Don't take your mobile phones with you.
.You will be verified the documents when your are in line outside consulate.
.You need show documents at one counter where they verify the documents.They just ask you some basic questions.
.Then after that you will enter the main building.You have a security check .
.You will stand in line to give your thumb impression(they take all 10 finger impressions).
.After thumb impression you will sit for your turn to meet the officer.
.Don't panic.
.Be confident while answering the questions.
.Don't tell unnecessary / unrelated answers,just answer to the point or question asked.
.If you don't know the answer just tell them what you feel realistic.
.Just answer the questions as what you wrote in the documents.Don't add anything on top of it.
.In New Delhi they give Visa to everyone in general.
When i attend it was on L1 visa.They just asked me one question
1.From when are you working with your company.
They will ask only simple questions
Address of Consulate
US Embassy
New Delhi-110021
011 - 24198000