Below query can be used in sql server to split a GL account which has 3 components in to individual components divided by '-' (ex : 100010123-abcd-1234 will be divided into gl1- 100010123, gl2- abcd , gl3 - 1234) .
select gldebitacc,
substring(gldebitacc,0,CHARINDEX('-',gldebitacc)) as gl1,
substring(gldebitacc,CHARINDEX('-',gldebitacc)+1,len(gldebitacc)-(CHARINDEX('-',gldebitacc)+charindex('-', reverse(gldebitacc)))), as gl2,
REVERSE(substring(reverse(gldebitacc),0, charindex('-', reverse(gldebitacc)) )) as gl3
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select gldebitacc,
substring(gldebitacc,0,CHARINDEX('-',gldebitacc)) as gl1,
substring(gldebitacc,CHARINDEX('-',gldebitacc)+1,len(gldebitacc)-(CHARINDEX('-',gldebitacc)+charindex('-', reverse(gldebitacc)))), as gl2,
REVERSE(substring(reverse(gldebitacc),0, charindex('-', reverse(gldebitacc)) )) as gl3
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