Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sending mails using automation script in Maximo.

Here I am going to explain the process of sending mails from maximo automation script. Here I am taking example of sending emails whenever there is a change in status of work order.


·         Create a communication template like ‘WOSTATUS’

o   Template : WOSTATUS

o   Description :  Work order status change

o   Status: Active

o   Applies To : WORKORDER

o   Accessible From : ALL

o   Send From :

o   Subject : WO :WONUM status changed

o   Description :  Workorder :WONUM has status changed.


·         Create launch point with details

o   Launch point : WOSTATUS

o   Description : status change launch point

o   Objective : workorder

o   Active – true

o   Add, initialize , update ,delete – true.

·          Create a automation script with below details

o   Script : wostatuscript

o   Script language : jython

o   Source code :

from psdi.util.logging import MXLogger

from psdi.util.logging import MXLoggerFactory

from psdi.mbo import MboConstants

from psdi.server import MXServer


logger = MXLoggerFactory.getLogger("maximo.script");

logger.debug("==================== wostatus." + launchPoint + ": START =====================")


user = mbo.getUserInfo()

mboServer = mbo.getMboServer()

commTemplateSet = mboServer.getMboSet("COMMTEMPLATE", user)

commTemplateSet.setUserWhere("TEMPLATEID = 'WOSTATUS' ")

commTemplate = commTemplateSet.getMbo(0)


if mbo.getMboValue("status").isModified():




logger.debug("====================wostatus" + launchPoint + ": END =====================")

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