Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Easy way of converting google colab ipynb to a PDF file

Below steps are to be performed to convert ipynb file to PDF file.

1. Install below packages for every ipnyb file 
    !apt-get install texlive texlive-xetex texlive-latex-extra pandoc
!pip install pypandoc

2. Copy the path of the file [Ex: File name : abc.ipynb]

3. Execute below

!jupyter nbconvert <<path+ filename>>  --to pdf

Ex : !jupyter nbconvert /content/drive/MyDrive/Colab/ForExam-Seaborn.ipynb --to pdf

All the messages above are just forwarded messages if some one feels hurt about it please add your comments we will remove the post.
Host/author is not responsible for these posts.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Google hoaxes

The link in wikipedia tells us about the google hoaxes's_hoaxes

How to use google


These are some of the important ways you can make use of Google.

1. Search Engine -- we know it already

2. Calculator -- Solves most complex maths

3. Get Definations -- We can get definations of english,scientific terms etc

Usage : Type as below in the search box in google page

Define: touts
Define: FDA

4. Currency Coversion -- get the exchange rates between different countries

Example :
US dollar to Indian rupee

5. Search for a particular filetype

Example :
filetype:PDF indian market

6. Search for books

Use :

7. Price comparision and products advise

Use :

8. Groups -- It also collobrates usenet groups which have large amount of data

Use :

9. Images -- the advanced feature in the images helps to get any size images

Use :

10. Movies -- we can get the movie ratings,dialogues,cast of the movies and also showtimes

Use : Type following in the google search box

Movie: Guru

11. Getting Phone numbers -- We can get phone numbers of any person from google

Use : Type following in the google search box

phone book : Daniel donald Durham

12. Travel -- We can track the aeroplane status etc easily

13. Local time -- We can track any time in around the world

Use : Type following in the google search box

time in hyderabad

14. Maps -- we can make the most of it by taking directions,finding out distances etc

Use :

15. Q&A -- We can ask questions and answers easily here

Use : Type following in the google search box

population of india

16. Google Finance -- Get the stock ticker with lastest updates

Use :


17. Google cached pages -- Can be used for anonymous surfing ,site is down,server blocked

18. Language translation -- Can be used for transalting the webpages

Use :

19 Spell check-- we can type the word which we want google asks whether is this the word you want to look for

20. Similar pages -- Helps to get similar pages for current search

21. Site search -- Can be used to search the data with in a particular site

Use : Type following in the google search box

site: patch for windows vista