Kappa Architecture
• The idea is to handle both real-time data processing and continuous reprocessing in a single
stream processing engine.
• This requires that the incoming data stream can be replayed (very quickly), either in its entirety
or from a specific position.
• If there are any code changes, then a second stream process would replay all previous data
through the latest real-time engine and replace the data stored in the serving layer.
• This architecture attempts to simplify by only keeping one code base rather than manage one
for each batch and speed layers in the Lambda Architecture.
• In addition, queries only need to look in a single serving location instead of going against batch
and speed views.
• Kappa architecture can be used to develop data systems that are online learners and
therefore don’t need the batch layer.
• Re-processing is required only when the code changes.
• It can be deployed with fixed memory.
• It can be used for horizontally scalable systems.
• Fewer resources are required as the machine learning is being done on the real time basis.
• Absence of batch layer might result in errors during data processing or while updating the
database that requires having an exception manager to reprocess the data or reconciliation.
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