Friday, May 30, 2008

Wonderful wedding invitation

Airlift service .. HAL airport

Dear friends,

We are starting a Airport Transfer Service for Bangalore. Since the New airport is far from the city and we feel that Airport Transfers will become very expensive for the Passengers and there will be a definite problem to commute to and from the New Airport. We are introducing our service to make airport Transfers less expensive and still provide the required luxury while taking customers to and from the airport. We will pick up the customers from the Airlift pickup points and drop them to the airport and vice versa bring them to the city from the airport.

Unique features of the Airlift Vehicle

· Airlift will be 6 seat air conditioned Toyota Innova. Individual Bucket seats for all 5 passengers.

· Airlift will have a LCD screen on each passenger seat for personalized entertainment system, these screens will show 5 channels with different contents.

· Airlift has ample overhead covered and secured luggage space.

· Airlift will be Wi-Fi enabled for passengers to browse the internet on the screens and as well as with their laptops.

· Airlift will be driven by our Auto Pilots who will be in uniform and well trained to communicate and present themselves to the customers.

· Airlift will also be tracked by GPS system to ensure efficient on time services and tracking every vehicle to make sure of complete security of passengers.

Airlift is being designed to provide complete comfort and help the passenger to use their commuting time productively.

Pricing: We feel that the Normal City Cab from or to the Airport will cost about 750/- to 1000/- one way. Our service has been priced at Rs. 300/- one way and moreover Return journey for to and from the airport will be Rs. 450/- per person. That is nearly 70% saving on the Airport Transfers vis-à-vis a regular City Cab.

How to avail the service:
Book Tickets online on our website through Credit or Debit Card.
Pickup the Prepaid Coupons in any of the Retail Stores and call 9845047788 to make a booking or use the same on

SMS AIRLIFT to 54545. Our support team will get in touch with you ASAP.
Call our 24/7 call center number 98450 47788 .

Logon to our website for any queries

Friday, May 23, 2008

Everyone needs someone who understands

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the Eyes of a little boy.

Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."

"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."

The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"

"Sure," said the farmer.

And with that he let out a whistle," Here, Dolly!" he called.
Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight.

As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared; this One noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up....

"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.
The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would."

With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands."

The world is full of people who need someone who understands.

Self appraisal

A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven digits (phone numbers).

The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:

Boy: "Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?

Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): "I already have someone to cut my lawn."

Boy: "Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now."

Woman: I'm very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.

Boy: (with more perseverance) : "Lady, I'll even sweep
your curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you will
have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach , Florida."

Woman: No, thank you.

With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver. The store-owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy.

Store Owner: "Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job."

Boy: "No thanks,

Store Owner: But you were really pleading for one. Boy: No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the
job I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!"

Your Daddy

lamborghini - unpacking

fresher job in semanticspace 2007 passouts

Hi Friends,
Plz pass this info to 2007 passout job seekers....
Here is the referral program in Semanticsapce. Plz dont send your resumes to me.
Eligibility Criteria:
2007 pass-outs in BE/BTech/MCA (computer stream mandatory)
Must have 60% and above marks through out his/her academics.
Good communication skills
Good logical and analytical skills
Candidates trained in Java and .Net
Recruitment Process:
Online Exam comprises of Aptitude, Technical and English
Group Discussion & HR Interview
Technical Interview (2 Levels)
Final Discussion
Schedule : 25th May 2008. Venue : SemanticSpace Technologies Plot # 226, Road # 17, Jubilee Hills, Above Andhra Bank Jubilee Hills Br
SPRY Resources India Pvt. Ltd Office:040-23415161 Extn - 231 ebSite:

Nuvvu naaku nachav nachav - Bench for IT professional

Cheppukovadaniki JOB ichav,
Choopinchataaniki ID CARD ichav,
Free ga ICICI BANK ACCOUNTichav(excat ga ICICI kaaadu, Yevariki ye bank
aite adi) ,
Every month SALARY kooda ichav,

Koorchovataniki KURCHI ichav,
Vundataaniki CUBICLE ichav,
Mails check cheyyataniki SYSTEM ichav,
Chatting ki COMMUNICATOR ichav,

Kaali ga vunte COFFEE MACHINE ichav,
Time pass kosam TERMINAL ichav,
Lunch kosam Food court icahv,
Punch kosam appudappudu Health club kooda ichav,

Enduku nannu BENCH meeda vunchav,
NACHAV…. NACHAV.. anthe. :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Duck hunting

A big-city lawyer, from New Delhi, went duck hunting in the Haryana state . He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell in to a farmer's field on the other side of a fence. As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing.

The litigator responded, "I shot a duck and it fell in this field, and now I'm going in to retrieve it." The old farmer replied. "This is my property, and you are not coming over here." The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial attorneys in the Delhi and if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own.."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don't know how we do things in Haryana. Down here we settle small disagreements like this with the Three-Kick Rule." The lawyer asked, "A Three Kick Rule. What is the Three-Kick Rule?" The Farmer replied, "Well, first I kick you three times, and then you kick me three times, and so on, back and forth, until someone gives up."

The attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old codger. He agreed to abide by the local custom. The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the city feller. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy work boot into the lawyer's groin and dropped him to his knees.
His second kick nearly wiped the man's nose off his face. The attorney was flat on his belly when the farmer's third kick to the kidney area nearly caused him to give up. The lawyer summoned every bit of his will, managed to get to his feet, and said, "Okay, you old coot, now it's my turn."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Naw, I give up. You can have the duck."